Visual Identity and Verbal Identity in Branding



Date published

17 November, 2023

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Branding extends far beyond the confines of a mere logo. While the logo is undeniably a crucial visual element, it represents just a fraction of what branding truly encompasses, which is a complex interplay of various visual and verbal elements.

Visual elements represent the brand expression

Visual identity is a pivotal facet of a brand’s overall identity, encompassing an array of visual elements that serve as the face to the public. This collection of visual elements, which may include logos, color palette, typography, and imagery, works in harmony to establish a recognizable and enduring image. While a creative and appropriate logo helps the brand stand out and instill trust in customers, a color palette aids in creating a distinct impression and style for the brand. The visual language needs to resonate with the audience, forging a connection and making the brand memorable. Therefore, a strong visual identity is a key tool in capturing the attention and trust of customers.

Example of Visual Elements

Verbal Identity is often neglected

While visual elements are the visible expression, verbal identity is the prominent intangible layer that is closely associated with the brand strategy. Verbal elements often refer to a unique and distinctive mode of communication, whether through spoken or written language. These components include the tone and voice employed in all forms of messaging, shaping the way a brand communicates with its audience. It is also about the story consistently conveyed through different campaigns, capturing the brand essence, and resonating with customers.

Beyond that, verbal elements encompass fundamental aspects like the brand’s name, which often serves as its initial introduction, and the articulation of its mission and vision through a positioning statement. All serve as the bridge to build relationships with both existing customers and potential ones on a personal level, fostering trust and loyalty. Moreover, through effective communication and storytelling, verbal identity has the power to convey its value that resonates deeply with customers, amplifying the brand’s message and impact.

Understanding Brand Expression and Brand strategy

Verbal identity is referred as the underlying layer 

What makes good branding?

Branding is a holistic approach that includes both visual and verbal identities to create a lasting and positive impression in the customers’ minds.

  1. Clarity is paramount. The message and identity should be crystal clear, ensuring that customers understand what the brand represents and offers. 
  2. Authenticity is equally important, as customers today value brands that genuinely reflect their values and maintain transparency.
  3. Building an emotional connection with the audience is also a hallmark of successful branding. This will help create brand loyalty and advocacy
  4. Consistency is another crucial aspect. This is where every element should align seamlessly. Inconsistency often creates confusion in demonstrating the brand’s message and value, leading to a loss of trust among customers.
  5. Ultimately, being differentiable is crucial for a brand’s success. Distinctiveness helps carve out identity and competitive advantage in the minds of consumers.


Examples of Visual and Verbal Identity

1. The Coral Special Edition by Gran Melia Nha Trang


Visual of The Coral Special Edition KV

The exclusive Coral Special Editions stand as the crown jewels of the billion-dollar Gran Melia Nha Trang island project. This prestigious collection features three exquisite editions: The Coral Artistry, The Coral Cavalli, and the limited-edition brand, The Coral Porsche. 

The challenge was to preserve a strong link to Gran Melia Nha Trang while highlighting the unique value of each product line. To achieve this, the team harmoniously used visual elements such as color, font, and images. They also carefully selected words for the tagline to convey a sense of elegance and luxury subtly. This approach was designed to appeal to Vietnam’s affluent billionaires.

2. Kyo Dashi 


Kyo Dashi Logo

Visual Identity through Kyo Dashi Logo

Kyo Dashi is one of the first Japanese-style baby food brands in Vietnam. Its products are currently trusted by many new families with infants. Featuring a bowl of porridge with organic ingredients, the logo was eye-catching and accessible which suits the target audience. The rounded font, bright pastel color, and minimalistic image all align with the brand’s core values and Japanese-like style. Besides, communications with friendly messages and word choices have also established a trustworthy image of Kyo Dashi. 

3.  Vinpearl Holiday Season


Vinpearl Holiday Season Verbal Identity through Social Media Posts

During the 2022 holiday season, TWS collaborated with Vinpearl to create content on social media platforms for one of Vinpearl’s three largest resort complexes, Vinpearl Hoi An – Nam Hoi An – Da Nang. Understanding the luxurious yet friendly nature of this grand complex, TWS has crafted impressive promotional materials with vibrant color schemes for the Christmas and New Year events.